miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Summer Plans


Hi teacher and classmates, i hope you are well with your family.

I hope this summer will be great. In juanary i will go to San Pedro de Atacama with one of my best Friends of school, her name is Belén Fuentes. I am very happy for that but im also afraid because the trip is canceled if the covid increases.

Also, i will go to the beach, specifically to Concon with my mother, aun, brother and cousin. I hope go with my best Friends of university too.

It all depend on the evolution of the pandemic because if this increasse i will not be able to go anywhere.

Besides, i hope to find a job as soon as posible because it is the best season to work since there are no classes in the university and if i find a job i can sabe money to other things.

Finally, the Destiny of my summer and everyone’s depends on the coronavirus and the vaccine. 

 Then i will put two pictures of San Pedro de Atacama:


miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020


Hello teacher and classmates, i hope you are very fine.

Yes, i have a favorite serie. This is “Grey’s Anatomy”

Well, it’s my favorite serie and i think that the topic are very interesting and thrilling because the serie have a lot of romance, love dramas, medical cases and exciting moments.

I love series about love and romance, i don’t know why because im not a romantic person.  Besides, i love movies sad and tragic. Also, i like TV shows about policies like “911” or “CSI: Miami”

The last serie that i have seen was “How to meet away with murder” and i love it. That serie its about lawyers and crimes. The main character is a very good man (and beautiful) and he died for it. The other principal character is a lawyer that suffers much and for it is a bad person but then in the last part of the serie she is a good person and see her transformation its very interesting.

In general, i watch a few series and if the serie its boring in the first episode i don’t watch it more. Besides, i don’t have a lot of time to watch series and movies because the university its very hard in this pandemic time.


jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

My Future Job


Hi teacher and classmates, i hope you are fine with your family.

Well, i would like a social works, i dont know were especifically but I hope that thought my job i can help vulnerable group of society because that way i would have a motivation and that is great for me.

I wouldn’t be a problem to work in an office but i prefer to have the possibility to move an Other places and works with the people who need the service and help. So, i would like travel in my future works and see Other realities.

About the salary i would like have economic stability and the possibility to travel, buy the things i want and and live quietly. Besides, i hope to give the same economic stability to my mother.

Currently, I am studying my first career of university. In the future i would like to specialize in social issues. Besides, i would love travel to another country to study because i thinks that the experience of another countries are fantastic and very useful to improve the social services in Chile and the public workers needs those knowledge.

That is all, regards.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020




Well, i dont have a favorite movie because a lot of movie like me but i choose one movie to do this homework.

One of the best movie that i have seen was “Fight Club”. The first time i seen this movie i dont like because i think that was weird but i seen it again. In that second opportunity i love the movie because i understand it and it was very interesting. Besides, the song of the movie are great, mainly “where is my mind?”

I dont have a specific type of movie that i like, its depends of my modo and with i will see the movie.

The movie that i watched most recently was “Coco”. I recommend it because its an entertaining, exciting and thoughtful movie. Always that i see this movie i cry a lot and i love the end of the movie.

I hope the week of recess come soon to see other movies that my Friends recommended me. But i prefer to wach series because the story are long and i cant knows well the characters.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

The Best Holidays


My best holidays was at february 2020. I traveled to Machupicchu, Peru with one of my best friends, Mayomi<3<3. We went to Cuzco 7 days and in that time we meet a lot of people of different places like Argentina and Mexico. 

We wanted go to Machupicchu, so we arrived to Cuzco and after we started the excursion to Machupicchu. Also, we went to Humantay lagoon and obviously we toured the city of Cuzco. 

That trip was the best because was the first trip with my friends and without my parents. Also, we planned that trip for a year so we was very excited. 

At summarize, was a good trip with one of my best friends. Now i want to know another country or another place, the important things is travel. 

Now i put one of my favorite picture: 

What about you? 


martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


Hi classmates and teacher, i hope you are fine.

Well, in this moment of my life i know that i would to travel to any coutry because i like to know new places, people and food but i dont have a specifically country in my mind.

Any way, i would like travel to México. Why? I dont know well, a lot of influencers that i follow on Instagram traveled to México and i see a beautiful places and colours. Besides, the last year i meet two boys from México and they are very nice so i think that the most people of México are nice too.

About Mexico, i know that they are so respectful with they culture and beautiful beaches. But there are a lot of crimes and “machismo”. In that country, i would like go to marketplaces, beach and the Yucatan archaeologicl zone. I want to go for some week only like tourist.

So, i will put some pictures now: 

Pyramid Maya - Yucatan. 

Cancún - Mexico

Summer Plans

  Hi teacher and classmates, i hope you are well with your family. I hope this summer will be great. In juanary i will go to San Pedro de ...